tastarsupply.com is committed to protecting your privacy.
We do not associate personally identifiable information, such as your name, address, or e-mail address, with non-personally identifiable information, such as Internet protocol addresses, to create personal user profiles. Although we do receive your e-mail address along with your e-mail, no other personal information is collected.
When you decide to place an order with us, you will be required to enter your name, billing and shipping address, and telephone number. We require your telephone number so that we can contact you in case there are any problems with your order and to verify shipping information as needed. We use this information ONLY for processing your order. We do not share this information with any third party.
Ordering online with tastarsupply is safe and easy. We use a GeoTrust.com secure certificate that works in conjunction with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, which is the standard protocol for secure, web-based e-commerce transactions. SSL encrypts all traffic between the customer and our Server. We do not store any credit card information.
Please note that tastarsupply has no control of the privacy practices of sites outside our domain. If you follow a link to another site, read that site’s privacy policy. tastarsupply will not resell any information provided by any customer as a result of the use of this site.
We can be reached via email at info@tastarsupply.com |